On Location2015-11-14T11:02:52+08:00


11023   氣候變遷 30x30x30 cm 玻璃 邱文虎 由於各地出現異常氣候的變遷,造成北極水融極為嚴重,各國紛紛出現暴風雪和大乾旱/ 颶風/ 龍捲風/高温等問題,為提醒人們重視地球暖化日益惡化問題,運用高温玻璃無模具,純手工多次揑塑成形,將此狀況表現在作品上, 此作品的特色在於使用還原工藝技法,製作過程非常繁雜。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%e9%82%b1%e6%96%87%e8%99%8e/     11023   Climate Change 30x30x30 cm Glass WEN-HU CHIU Due to the abnormal climate change, the Arctic ice melting is very serious. Snowstorms, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes and weather anomalies have occurred all overRead more


11022   稱心如意--好事多 41x33x55 cm 皮革 葉發原 塑人物臉上洋溢滿足笑容,結合精緻多樣的皮塑蔬果,自然流露瓜果豐收的喜樂之情,不僅呈現渾然天成的生趣與動態,更寓意稱心如意、好事吉慶的祈福意境。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E8%91%89%E7%99%BC%E5%8E%9F/   11022   Good Things Happen As You Wish 41x33x55 cm Leather FA-YUAN YEH The smile of satisfaction on the face of the figure, combined with the exquisite and diverse leather sculptures of fruits and vegetables, naturally revealsRead more


11021   出生 32.5×3.5×32.5 cm 皮革 許淑儀 生命始於混沌 霎那間的呼吸 讓我感受到它的到來 陰陽更替 日月穿梭 我發現了它的存在 越來越清晰 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%e8%a8%b1%e6%b7%91%e5%84%80/   11021   Being Born 32.5×3.5×32.5 cm Leather ZOE SHU-YI HSU Life began from Chaos In a sudden breath Let me perceive its coming Alternating Yin and Yang Sun and the moonRead more


11020   金玉滿堂十全十美 30x30x74 cm 瓷、黃金、白金 劉  武 用靛藍平光釉為底韻,再以亮麗的寶藍釉做波動水紋, 讓整件作品呈現特殊的琉璃質感。 用鎏金彩繪十隻黃金魚和十條白金魚悠遊其間,有如黄金白玉滿堂彩。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E5%8A%89%E6%AD%A6/   11020   A Houseful of Treasures and Perfection 30x30x74 cm Porcelain, gold, platinum WU LIU The indigo flat glaze is used as the base rhyme, and the bright royal blue glaze is used toRead more


11019   福豹 33x15x22 cm 台灣墨玉、純金、原木 方慶福 以優質台灣墨玉、精緻雕作,花豹美麗優雅的氣勢和安祥自在的神態……。取名福豹、期望帶來吉祥好福報! https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E6%96%B9%E6%85%B6%E7%A6%8F/   11019   Leopard of Luck 33x15x22 cm Taiwanese black jade, solid gold, log CHING-FU FANG Made of high-quality Taiwan ink jade with exquisite carvings, the leopard has a beautiful, elegant aura and a peaceful and relaxed demeanor.Read more


11018   璀燦 21×8×38 cm 皮革、玻璃珠 許淑昭 每一亮點都是一件記事、 每一針黹都是一段旅程、 一方用歲月釀成的璀燦, 在一隅緩緩續蘊著澄湛。 http://www.zinnia.com.tw/   11018   Brilliancy 21×8×38 cm Leather, glass beads ZINNIA SU-JAO HSU Each brilliant spot memorizes an occurrence、 Each stitch treads a journey、 The brilliancy brewed by years forms her square, At a corner gentlyRead more


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