



The introduction of Taiwan Crafts Development Association

Our association was established in 1982, which original name was Crafts Development Association of R.O.C. and its name changed to Taiwan Crafts Development Association in 2005. Our purpose is to combine the wisdom and strength of the national technology, academic and related industrial and commercial enterprises, conspiracy our research and development and promotion of technology, improve the cultural standards and the quality of life and promote international cultural exchanges.

Now is the 14th Taiwan Crafts Development Association and the present Chairman is Mr. Wu Liu . For more than 3 decades, under the leadership of the each outstanding chairman, our association has actively promoted various business. In addition to its commitment to the research, promotion, marketing and exchange activities of various technologies to promote the innovative atmosphere of crafts. And we hold a loft of the competitions and exhibitions with National Taiwan Craft Research  and Development  Institute concentrate efforts on Taiwan’s crafts promotion.

Taiwan Crafts Development Association has more than 300 members, including many outstanding crafts masters. They have their unique field and have worked as competition judges. Since the present chairman assumed his position, he is actively planning the opportunity of cooperation with the industry, seeking to expand the marketing platform, and will spare no effort in promoting the business. We look forward to continuing to give support and encouragement from all walks of life. We also welcome you to be a member and work together to promote the development of our technology.



本会は成立してから、既に14回大会を開催し、現在の理事長は劉武です。この三十年余り、歴任の各理事長の 賢明なリーダーシップの下で積極的に様々な会務を発展させ、各工芸の研究や普及や販売交流活動によって工芸品のクリエイテイブ.ブームを盛んにすると共に国立台湾工芸研究発展センターと各種のコンクールおよび展覧会を行い、台湾工芸の宣伝、普及にも力を入れております。



第14屆理事長 劉武先生



理 事 長 劉    武
常務理事 李財旺 常務理事 伍坤山
常務理事 方慶福 常務理事 葉發原
常務理事 駱俊銘 常務理事 李莉萍
常務理事 張英群 常務理事 劉邦漢
理 事 陳鴛鴦 理 事 葉晉玉
理 事 尤尉州 理 事 張弘昌
理 事 劉學霖 理 事 杜嘉琪
理 事 陳寶雲 理 事 姚翠華
理 事 張名良 理 事 黃子珀
理 事 王宏祥 理 事 張惠英
理 事 陳敬輝 理 事 林仲康
理 事  鄭德榮 理 事  黃怡嘉
理 事  駱 妙 理 事  鄒吾彥
理 事 陳品諠 理 事 崔順吾
理 事 蘇小夢 理 事 鄧兆鈞
常務監事主席 陳妙香
常務監事 林淑瓊 常務監事 李佩珍
監 事 許文英 監 事 簡玉惠
監 事 魏忠科 監 事 吳嘉麗
監 事 周    宜 監 事 李青芸