11029 Glamour 180x75 cm 薑黃、紫膠蟲、福木、七里香、薯榔、洋蔥皮、茜草、藍靛、苧麻、亞麻 賈瑪莉 9×9=81,9色經織、9色緯織 81色塊 雙層組織呈現162色彩變化的手染色塊,驚豔中柔美。 歲月如梭,人生型態就像每一個色塊,交織中現精彩。 http://by-mary.tw/ 11029 Glamour 180x75 cm Turmeric, lac insect, Fukumu, common jasmine orange, dye root, onion skin, madder, blue indigo, ramie, flax MA-LI CHIA 9×9=81, 9 tricot, 9 weft 81 color blocks. Double-layered structure presentsRead more
11028虹花呈祥 鸞鳳和鳴
11028 虹花呈祥 鸞鳳和鳴 132 x 67 x21 cm(含框) 各種絲線、金屬線 林淑瓊 雀鳥自古為吉祥之徵,運用金屬編織吉祥雀鳥,踩踏七彩祥花扶搖而上,寓為平步青雲富貴有餘。 https://m.facebook.com/%E8%99%B9%E8%89%B2%E7%B7%9A-101395764608230/?refsrc=deprecated&_rdr 11028 Rainbow Flowers Presents Auspiciousness, Luan and Phoenix Sing in Harmony 132 x 67 x 21 cm (including frame) Various silk and metal threads SHU-CHIUNG LIN Birds have been an auspicious signRead more
11027 富貴吉祥來 132 x 67x 21 cm(含框) 各種絲線、金屬線 林淑瓊 代表富貴之花一向當屬牡丹花!白色不落俗套,銀色高雅有韻,銀白牡丹襯托藍色鳳凰相得益彰,富貴吉祥之徵。 https://m.facebook.com/%E8%99%B9%E8%89%B2%E7%B7%9A-101395764608230/?refsrc=deprecated&_rdr 11027 Wealth and Auspiciousness 132 x 67x 21 cm (with frame) Various silk threads and metal threads SHU-CHIUNG LIN The flower that represents wealth has always been the peony flower! The white isRead more
11026 爭艷(髮簪)
11026 爭艷(髮簪) 50x65x8cm 線材、鐵絲、紙 陳惠美 髮簪系列在整體造型上開始有群組及放大的概念,不再將作品侷限在一種技法或一種花型的設計之中,甚至有許多花型已跳脫傳統、純粹屬自行開發創作,其中,也開始嘗試使用複合媒材加以表現,新風格在本階段漸趨成形。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E9%99%B3%E6%83%A0%E7%BE%8E/ 11026 Blooming (Hairpin Series) 50x65x8cm Wire, iron wire, paper HUI-MEI CHEN The concept of collective design is adopted in the hairpin series. The works are much larger and more skills and shapes are employed during their production.Read more
11025 雨過天晴 33x33x35 cm 陶 駱俊銘 以瓷土表現細緻的圓球體,佐以不同厚薄的銅釉料系,圓融小口,象徵人與人幸福的距離。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E9%A7%B1%E4%BF%8A%E9%8A%98/ 11025 The Rain Has Cleared Up 33x33x35 cm Pottery CHUN-MING LO Porcelain clay is used to express the meticulous round spheres, accompanied by copper glazes of different thicknesses. Round shapes and small mouths symbolize theRead more
11024 自在 28x16x34 cm 陶 官圓鈁 包容所有的面向,亦沒有任何的面相。 https://kuanyuanf.com/ 11024 Untrammeled 28x16x34 cm Pottery YUAN-FANG KUAN The content is about all the aspect , therefore there isn’t any aspect.
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