11030   夜行者

45×120 cm(含框)








11030 Nightwalker

45×120 cm (with frame)

Paper threads, silk threads


When I was a child, my family lived in a military kindred village. and there were often four-legged, long-tailed, ugly geckos crawling on the walls at night. Every night before I turned off the lights and went to bed, I would hear  “chuck, chuck, chuck” and feel that the geckos were very close to me. Sometimes close and sometimes far away, the sound stayed with me all until I fell asleep in the frightening nights.

After I grew up, I learned that the gecko is a beneficial insect that eats mosquitoes, and that it is also afraid of humans. Since then, I have let go of my fear and started to live peacefully with them in the same space.

The gecko is commonly known as a small dragon, and I used the silk tapestry weaving method to finish this piece to show the lovely, lucky, and auspicious side of the gecko.