On Location2015-11-14T11:02:52+08:00


11035   瓶添花彩 10x10x39 cm 銀、羊皮、袋鼠皮、橄欖石、水晶鑽、替代性琺瑯 陳素真 古典玫瑰伴著陳年的微醺 隱隱綻放著時間的芬芳 點點銀光滿載了回憶 交織出美麗的革網 盎然的姿態 卻有另種低調的蘊融美 https://www.facebook.com/Valerie.Jewelry/   11035   Bottle with Colorful Flowers 10x10x39 cm Silver, sheepskin, kangaroo leather, peridot, crystal diamonds, alternative enamel SHU-CHEN CHENClassical rose with the age-old tipsiness Insidiously blooms out the fragrance of time. TheRead more


11034   皮革鉛筆組 40x32x4 cm 皮革 鄧樹齡 筆芯取自許久未用之鉛筆,結合表面受損或皮面狀況不佳皮革做為筆桿材料,搭配皮革削薄技巧製作而成。筆盤與筆座大量使用二層皮為素材。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E9%84%A7%E6%A8%B9%E9%BD%A1/   11034   Leather Pencil Set 40x32x4 cm Leather SHU-LING TENG The refill is made from a pencil that has not been used for a long time, combined with leather with a damaged surface or in poor conditionRead more


11033   皮革船燈 10x10x35 cm 皮革、玻璃 鄧樹齡 回收酒精空瓶再利用,作品具環保(資源再生意涵),搭配優異皮革工藝與LED,結合優良工藝與生活美學。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E9%84%A7%E6%A8%B9%E9%BD%A1/   11033   Leather Boat Lights 10x10x35 cm Leather, glass SHU-LING TENG Recycled empty alcohol bottles the works are environmentally friendly (meaning resource regeneration). With excellent leather craftsmanship and LED lights, it combines excellent craftsmanship and lifestyle aesthetics.


11032   花開富貴 85x85x95 cm 石蠟 陳鴛鴦 台灣這塊土地一直在變新,不變的是我們的心。 就像祖母對我們的保護,花開富貴,代表著台灣的豐饒。 盛開的花瓣包覆中間的燭火,就像台灣這塊土地,孕育台灣人,一直保護著我們。  https://www.facebook.com/PlayArtFamilyWithLove   11032   Blossom and Prosperity 85x85x95 cm Paraffin YUNG-YANG CHEN Taiwan, our homeland, is always changing, but our hearts have never changed. Just like the protection of grandmom, the blossoming flowers symbolize the abundanceRead more


11031   圓生 90x75x50 cm 石蠟 陳鴛鴦 細胞構築了人類,而人又建成了世界,恰如一個圓,生生不息,源源不絕。 https://www.facebook.com/PlayArtFamilyWithLove 11031   Round Life 90x75x50 cm Paraffin wax YUNG-YANG CHEN Cells build humans, and humans build the world, just like a circle, incessant and endless.


11030   夜行者 45x120 cm(含框) 紙線、絲線 賈瑪莉 小時候,家住一條龍式的眷村裡,牆上常有四足長尾貌醜的壁虎在夜行,每晚上床關燈睡覺前,總會很近地感覺聽到恪..恪.恪的聲音,在害怕的深夜,時遠時近伴我入眠。 長大後,知道它是專吃蚊蟲的益蟲,了解它也很怕人類的習性後,就跟它來個盡釋前嫌,大家和平相處一室。 使用緙絲織法完成此作品,壁虎俗稱小龍,表現可愛、福氣、吉祥的一面。 http://by-mary.tw/   11030 Nightwalker 45x120 cm (with frame) Paper threads, silk threads MA-LI CHIA When I was a child, my family lived in a military kindred village. and there were often four-legged, long-tailed, ugly geckos crawlingRead more


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