11017 衍沃 126×10×22 cm 以皮革為主軸的多媒材 許淑昭 以五行相生的概念隱喻,所衍生創作的 初始•萌生(金)→智星•航行(水)→ 修達•展翅(木)→花開•喜禮(火)→厚實•豐碩(土) http://www.zinnia.com.tw/ 11017 Evolvement & Enrichment 126×10×22 cm Multiple materials with leather as the main axis ZINNIA SU-JAO HSU This series represents the metaphors of Five Movements (Wuxing). It shows the generating interaction of the five elementsRead more
11016 壽吉滿溢 36x36x30 cm 皮革、橡⽊、樹漆 馮斯蒂 菊花浮雕紋圓盤,和倒椎內凹鱗⽚桶身的外型,寓意逐漸茁壯的⽣命,在粼粼波光中,述說著壽吉滿溢的故事…… 11016 Longevity and Auspiciousness 36x36x30 cm leather, oak, lacquer S-TI FENG A disc decorated with relief craving of chrysanthemum and an inverted cone shaped barrel with fish scale patterns represent a life that is thriving in theRead more
11015 牛勢亨通家族 13.4×5.7×7.5、28×11.7×15 cm 陶瓷 于春明(乾唐軒美術工藝有限公司) 以牛的健碩身型與埋頭奮進、腳踏實地, 運用智慧與勤奮突破層層阻礙,暢行無阻, 為將來開創新大局。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E4%B9%BE%E5%94%90%E8%BB%92%E7%BE%8E%E8%A1%93%E5%B7%A5%E8%97%9D%E6%9C%89%E9%99%90%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8/ 11015 Family of Good Luck in the Year of Bull 13.4×5.7×7.5, 28×11.7×15 cm Ceramic CHUN-MING YU (ACERA) With the sturdy figure of a bull and its hard-working, down-to-earth characteristic, along with wisdom and diligence,Read more
11014 疏影橫斜月黃昏 30x30x57 cm 複合媒材(黃銅、玻璃、木板) 杜嘉琪 以複合媒材創意組合,讓許多零散的材料再生成綠工藝,主要是以在園景盆栽中的花枝,對應掛在天邊的弦月,讓小園的景致自我生成。 https://www.facebook.com/groups/588370571880870 11014 Scattering Shadows in Dusky Moon 30x30x57 cm Mixed media (brass, glass, wood panel) CHIA-CHI TU The creative combination of mixed media allows many scattered materials to be recreated into a green craft. With the floweringRead more
11013 點陶系列-金萱 40x40x41 cm 陶 伍坤山 金針花又叫萱草花,國人自古就視嬌弱的金針花為吉祥物,認為懷孕中的婦女佩戴它就可生男孩,所以又有人稱之為「宜男草」是國人的母親花。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%e4%bc%8d%e5%9d%a4%e5%b1%b1/ 11013 Dot Pottery Series - Jinxuan 40x40x41 cm Pottery KUN-SHAN WU The long yellow daylily is also known as Xuan Cao Flower in Chinese, and since ancient times the Chinese have regarded this delicate flower asRead more
11012 清冠一號 25x25x42、25x25x48 cm 琉璃 李財旺 在疫情肆虐之下,百工百業蕭條!藉此作出新冠狀病毒的造型。 希望盡快能清除這一個病毒,讓大家回歸正常生活! https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%e6%9d%8e%e8%b2%a1%e6%97%ba/ 11012 Qingguan No.1 25x25x42, 25x25x48 cm Liuli CAI-WANG LI Under the ravages of the pandemic, all industries are in depression! Making this work in the shape of coronavirus, I hope this virus can be clearedRead more
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