On Location2015-11-14T11:02:52+08:00


11041   記憶技藝 54x45 cm(含框) 植物 張惠英 將植物當創作媒材,記憶中玩偶及圖飾,運用植物給予的天然色彩與形象,技藝嵌記延續植物生命,另創一種新的藝術。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%e5%bc%b5%e6%83%a0%e8%8b%b1/   11041   Techniques of Memory 54x45 cm (with frame) Plants HUI-YING CHANG Plants are used as creative media, as well as dolls and figure decorations in memory. The artist embedded techniques in natural colors and images givenRead more


11040   悅滿茶具組(油脂釉) 壺13.7×8.5×7.5cm、茶海11.8×7.7×8 cm、杯5.8×5.8×3.8 cm 陶瓷 于春明(乾唐軒美術工藝有限公司) 把喜悅傾進圓滿敞開的懷中,壺嘴細微工藝表現使出水穩定不滴漏。順心、遂意便如花開四季,相續而來。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E4%B9%BE%E5%94%90%E8%BB%92%E7%BE%8E%E8%A1%93%E5%B7%A5%E8%97%9D%E6%9C%89%E9%99%90%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8/   11040   Tea Set of Happiness (Oil-spot Glaze) Teapot: 13.7×8.5×7.5cm、Tea Serving Pot: 11.8×7.7×8 cm、Cup: 5.8×5.8×3.8 cm Ceramics CHUN-MING YU (ACERA) Pour joy into the perfectly open arms, and the subtle craftsmanship of the spout makes theRead more


11039   山茶花的祝福-抗疫奮鬥勝利 8x8x6、6x6x6 cm 皮革 黃素卿 在新冠疫情下,站在第一線醫護人員以大愛守護著全民健康,就像山茶花總是默默地為理想堅持著。謹以山茶花向醫護人員致敬並祝福大家抗疫奮鬥勝利!   11039 Blessing of Camellia - Victory in the Fight against Pandemic 8x8x6, 6x6x6 cm Leather SU-CHIN HUANG During the pandemic, the medical staff on the front line guard the health of everyone with great love, just likeRead more


11038   花開富貴 52x52x50 cm 玻璃 林瑤農 使用玻璃拉製的技法呈現出牡丹花盛開的模樣,並運用不同的配色技巧於聚寶瓶身勾勒出大自然的樣態。作品寓意生機勃勃的自然生態。     11038   Blossoms and Wealth 52x52x50 cm Glass YAO-NUNG LIN The glass drawing technique is used to present the peony in full bloom, and different color schemes are used on the bottle to present the appearance ofRead more


11037   有你真好-感恩手拿包 12x10x5 cm 布、繡線 許素蘭 疫情期間很多在前線辛苦奮戰的工作人員-包括醫護人員及仍然須在工作岡位的人員……,致上無限感激之情! 主要以”我的貼圖”Lankamama人物為主角發想!  https://www.facebook.com/shu2036/   11037   Good to Have You Here – Thank You Bag 12x10x5cm Cloth, embroidery thread SU-LAN HSU The artist would like to express their gratitude to all those who worked hard in the front line duringRead more


11036   五谷豐登 37 x3 x45.5 cm (含框) 白牛皮、五穀、佛光葉、銀杏葉 鄧家宜 葉飄飄 蝶飛舞 五谷豐登在寶島 11036   Good Harvest 37 x3 x45.5 cm  (with frame) White cowhide, grains, Neolitsea leaves, Ginkgo Biloba CHIA-YI TENG Leaves floating Butterfly dancing Five Grains harvest in Formosa Treasure Island


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