11054 琉金羽線 35x35x45 cm 複合媒材 黃振生 人總是想在別人面前呈現外表上最好的一面,也會相互比較、競爭。作品以金黃系調色為設計主色,花的溫柔意象並使用複合媒材製作組合,就如人與人的連結中之虛偽表徵現象。 11054 Golden Feather Lines 35x35x45 cm Mixed Media CHEN-SHENG HUENG People always want to present the best in front of others, and they also compare and compete with each other. The work uses golden color as theRead more
11053 漂浮 26x22x1 cm 牛皮 洪惠娟 以地球為靈感,運用電烙皮革之技巧,形成漂浮的趣味及印象。 11053 Floating 26x22x1 cm Cowhide HUI-CHUAN HUNG Inspired by the earth, the artists use the technique of electric ironing leather to create a fun impression of floating.
11052 杜鵑花 53x12x69 cm 葉脈、果實、棕梠籜 李永謨 當與植物生命接觸後,總為它的生命獨一無二的特性所感動:有的樹皮強韌可編織、有的葉脈彈性無比可捏塑。今將桂花葉甚佳的彈性,轉化為一朵朵的杜鵑花。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E6%9D%8E%E6%B0%B8%E8%AC%A8/ 11052 Azaleas 53x12x69 cm Leaf veins, fruits, palm stalk YUNG-MO LEE When the artist comes into contact with plants, he is always moved by the unique characteristics of their life. Some bark is strong and canRead more
11051 我小時候記憶 60x15x21 cm 果實、樹枝、竹、木材、銅線 李永謨 總想把以前鄉村生活的回憶呈現出來,透過自然植物遺留下來的素材,把它轉換成趣味的農具,因是自然的素材顯得格外的親切。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E6%9D%8E%E6%B0%B8%E8%AC%A8/ 11051 My Childhood Memories 60x15x21 cm Fruits, branches, bamboo, wood, copper wire YUNG-MO LEE The artist always wants to present the memories of the old country life through the materials left by natural plants and transformRead more
11049 醉享亮大酒瓶 50x22x22cm 瓷器、黃金、珠寶瑠璃、螺鈿做 陳寶雲 作品是件酒器,酒是越久越香。運用湖水藍作為背景,畫上象徵春天氣息的小菊花代表春天,運用螺鈿做出兩隻蝴蝶,代表幸福、福氣,鑲上水鑽和珠寶琉璃的大圓球是「有求必應」的意思。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%e9%99%b3%e5%af%b6%e9%9b%b2/ 11049 the Grand Wine Bottle 50x22x22cm Porcelain, gold, jewellery glaze, raden BAO-YUN CHEN The piece is a wine vessel, and wine becomes more fragrant with time. With lake blue color as the background, the small chrysanthemum symbolizesRead more
11048 浪濤 38x38x38 cm 陶瓷、晶鑽 陳寶雲 運用不對稱的三角型設計,浪從圓形的洞口順勢拋上三角的另一端,用施華洛世奇的水鑽和珠寶琉璃表現水花的燦爛,水即是財,浪淘滾滾,表示財源滾滾而來的函意。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%e9%99%b3%e5%af%b6%e9%9b%b2/ 11048 Waves 38x38x38 cm Ceramics, crystal diamonds BAO-YUN CHEN Using an asymmetrical triangular design, waves are thrown from the circular opening to the other end of the triangle. Swarovski's rhinestones and jewellery glass are used toRead more
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