11060 島嶼天光-幸福滿載 90 x 5 x 110 cm 多媒材 王美芳 台灣”福爾摩沙”在太平洋潮流的孕育下,文化多元、思想包容、胸懷熱情、勤奮打拼--幸福、滿載、快樂。 https://www.facebook.com/%E8%8A%AB%E8%8A%AB%E6%89%8B%E4%BD%9C%E4%BF%B1%E6%A8%82%E9%83%A8-205421636288721 11060 Sunrise of the Island: A Plentiful Harvest of Happiness 90 x 5 x 110 cm Mixed Media MEI-FANG WANG Taiwan, formerly known as Island of Formosa for its stunning beauty, hasRead more
11059 峰之狂想曲 40x10x30cm 牛皮革 吳景平 應用皮革媒材特殊塑性,利用裁切撕裂方法,以厚薄、大小、粗細、長短及聚散排列,堆疊出重疊環繞雄壯峰巒質感與肌理。表皮與榔皮差異性,呈現亮麗與粗糙對比倒影效果。 11059 Rhapsody of Peaks 40x10x30cm Leather JING-PING WU The special plasticity of leather is used for the artwork. The quality and texture of magnificent mountains have been formed by arranging different thickness, size, width, length, gathering and spreadingRead more
11058 海底世界-歡愉 40x18x52cm 浮球、玻璃纖維、浮木 吳寬亮 小巧可愛的之小丑魚是小朋友們耳熟能詳的海底小魚燈飾,搭配造型獨特之小型浮木,經透光後魚的色彩及珊瑚之光影充滿迷幻。 https://www.pinkoi.com/store/blueocen0972?utm_campaign=seller-open_shop&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pinkoi_system&utm_term=sales_lead_grant 11058 Underwater World - Joy 40x18x52cm Floats, glass fiber, driftwood BEN WU The cute clownfish is a familiar underwater fish for children. With the unique shape of the small driftwood, the colors of the fish andRead more
11057 海底世界-自在 29x29x44cm 癈棄浮桶、玻璃纖維 吳寬亮 彩色繽紛之熱帶魚群,總是吸引人們目光,不但心情很療癒且對海底世界充滿著美好幻想。 https://www.pinkoi.com/store/blueocen0972?utm_campaign=seller-open_shop&utm_medium=email&utm_source=pinkoi_system&utm_term=sales_lead_grant 11057 Underwater World - Freedom 29x29x44cm Discard floating bucket, glass fiber BEN WU Colorful tropical fish always attract people's attention, bringing not only a healing mood but also a beautiful fantasy of the underwater world.
11056 歲月靜美 10x10x19 cm 陶瓷 王宏祥 歲月從時光深處安然恬淡,一如往昔,走過紅塵暄囂,沉澱在生命中的美好,依然在斑駁的記憶中,延續雋永的氣息。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E7%8E%8B%E5%AE%8F%E7%A5%A5/ 11056 Peace in Times 10x10x19 cm Ceramics HUNG-HSIANG WANG The years are peaceful and quiet in the depths of time. As in the past, people walk through the hustle and bustle of the world, and theRead more
11055 壽帶富貴 85x85x50 cm 包紙鐵絲 林玉珠 壽帶鳥是一種非常美麗的觀賞鳥,牠分布在亞洲地區,因為羽毛色彩鮮艷、尾翼特別長而出名,將此高貴的鳥兒搭配象徵富貴的牡丹花,色彩更加繽紛又有相互爭豔之感 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E6%9E%97%E7%8E%89%E7%8F%A0/ 11055 Formosan Blue Magpie Treasure Hunt 85x85x50 cm Paper wrapped wires YU-CHU LIN Paradise Flycatcher is a very beautiful ornamental bird. It is distributed in Asia and is famous for its brightly colored feathers and extremelyRead more
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