On Location2015-11-14T11:02:52+08:00


11066   包容 97x97x42.6 cm 玻璃 吳寬亮 利用玻璃燒彎之技巧,使玻璃經高溫軟化、下垂,形成自然之縐折,與支撐本體之四腳架。此茶几唯一玻璃素材呈現,清澈雅緻,猶如懸浮於空中之一條刺繡花紋絲巾。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%e5%90%b3%e5%af%ac%e4%ba%ae/   11066   Tolerance 97x97x42.6cm Glass BEN WU Using the technique of glass bending to soften the glass at high temperature, forming a natural crease and the four-legged bracket that supports the body. The only material of thisRead more


11065   小丑魚 60x40x70cm PP、彈性鋼絲、木 洪新富 危險的另一面是-安全 怯弱是另一種形式的-勇敢 在「愛」的形式下 一切都覺得 不再重要 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%e6%b4%aa%e6%96%b0%e5%af%8c/   11065   Clown Fish 60x40x70cm PP, spring steel wire, wood HSIN-FU HUNG Safety is the other side of danger Timidity is the other form of bravery Under the form of “love” Everything is NotRead more


11064   流金歲月-追求幸福 36 x24 x10.8 cm 螺溪石 董家豪 蝸牛一生都在努力的朝前行走,雖然它的步伐緩慢,一步一腳印不能一步登天,但是蝸牛努力追求生命的嚮往,卻是讓人引以為敬。迎著太陽努力爬行的精神,正如人們對於幸福生活的追求。   11064   Golden Years – The Pursuit of Happiness 36 x24 x10.8 cm Luoxi Stone CHIA-HAO TUNG The snail has been working hard all his life to walk forward. Although its pace is slow, the snail'sRead more


11063   招福 20x20x38 cm 陶 黃子珀 瓢瓜,台語諧音與福氣相近,小招潮蟹爬在上面吸收了瓢瓜的福氣,所以顯得金色彩光、喜氣洋洋。   11063   Blessing 20x20x38 cm Pottery ZI-PO HUANG "Calabash Melon" in Taiwanese sounds similar to "Fuqi" (Luck) in Chinese. The little fiddler crab crawls on it to absorb the blessing of the calabash, looking golden and beaming.


11062   台灣囝仔 30x75x30 cm 陶 尤尉州 提供孩子們嬉戲的玩伴不是3C 是犁田的水牛 家中的小黑狗 樹上無數的小鳥 豐富了童年時光   11062   Taiwanese Kids 30x75x30 cm Pottery WEI-ZHOU YOU It is not 3C to provide children with playmates. It is the buffalo in the plowing field, The little black dog in the house, AndRead more


11061   和風握壽司 36×36×17 cm 玉石 謝忠仁 花枝握壽司:臺灣雪花玉;紅魽握壽司:臺灣白年糕玉;牛肉握壽司:臺灣雪花玉;清酒:臺灣白玉髓;薑片:臺灣雪花玉;蔥花、蘆荀:臺灣豐田玉。 以臺灣玉石的特色、紋路、色澤,雕刻成地方特色小吃、點心等。 https://www.facebook.com/f.jade.gaze/ 11061   Nigiri sushi 36×36×17 cm Jade ZHONG-REN XIE Sushi: Taiwan Snow Jade; Yellow Tail sushi: Taiwanese white rice cake jade; Beef Sushi: Taiwan Snow Jade; Sake: Taiwanese white chalcedony; Ginger slices: Taiwan Snow Jade; Green onion,Read more


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