On Location2015-11-14T11:02:52+08:00


11074醒 30×30×10cm 陶土 傅永悌(國立台灣手工藝研究中心典藏) 本作品為揉土再造浴火重生921重建精神陶瓷創作設計競賽第二名 本中心典藏/以表面龜裂的深褐色長方形陶板,一角向上揚升。希望所有的地震受災戶走出夢魘重新開始。   11074 Awake 30×30×10cm Clay YONG-TI FU (Collection of National Taiwan Handicraft Research Center) This work won the second prize of the "Reconstruction from the Earth, Rebirth from the Fire: 921 Reconstruction Spirit Ceramic Creation and Design Competition" DarkRead more


11073稻草泥枝 23×32×30 、25×32×30cm 陶土 李宗儒(國立台灣手工藝研究中心典藏) 作品以瓷土泥漿混合稻草而成,在燒陶過程中經歷崩塌、裂開和變形等完全不受人為控制的狀況,讓泥土在完全野放的自由下,試驗出更多的可能性,不但讓人們看見泥土強烈的生命力,也感受到大自然做為萬物載體的無限可能。   11073 Straw and Mud 23×32×30 、25×32×30cm  Clay ZONG-RU LI (Collection of National Taiwan Handicraft Research Center) The work is made of porcelain clay and mud mixed with straw. During the firing process, the clay underwent conditions that areRead more


11071鐵鏽物件─容器 70x50x30cm 蠶絲烏干紗、天然樹膠 陳穎亭 撿拾,落在海邊的鐵罐,它們隨著時間一點一點的鏽蝕,慢慢地收集,竟也累積了不同的狀態。藉著鏽色沁染纖維,將這繼續消散的鐵罐,以纖維記錄下物件的某個時刻。   11071 Rusty Objects – Containers 70x50x30cm Ugan silk, natural resin YING-TING CHEN I slowly collected the tin cans at the seaside that rusted little by little with time, and they have accumulated and turned to different states. Stained byRead more


11070鐵鏽物件─罐系列 100x60x30cm 蠶絲烏干紗、天然樹膠 陳穎亭 撿拾,落在海邊的鐵罐,它們隨著時間一點一點的鏽蝕,慢慢地收集,竟也累積了不同的狀態。藉著鏽色沁染纖維,將這繼續消散的鐵罐,以纖維記錄下物件的某個時刻。   11070 Rusty Objects – The Can Series 100x60x30cm Ugan silk, natural resin YING-TING CHEN I slowly collected the tin cans at the seaside that rusted little by little with time, and they have accumulated and turned to different states.Read more


11069   藍鵲尋寶 85x85x50 cm 包紙鐵絲 林玉珠 藍鵲是臺灣特有的鳥種且被列為保育類動物。在臺灣的山林地區常可見到牠紅色嘴巴藍色身、有著兩根常常黑白花紋的羽尾,非常特別 ! 此組作品將藍鵲搭配紅色的石榴不但色彩鮮明點燈後即亮麗無比十分美麗。 https://taiwan-craft.com.tw/portfolio-items/%E6%9E%97%E7%8E%89%E7%8F%A0/   11069   Formosan Blue Magpie Treasure Hunt 85x85x50 cm Paper covered wires YU-CHU LIN The blue magpie is an endemic bird species in Taiwan and is classified as a conservation animal. It is often seenRead more


11067   惜羽 28x5.3x69 cm 線 黃嘉英 從傳統工藝美學出發,試圖以線性、串珠、寶石的搭配與色調的詮釋,建立起獨創的藝術彙語。 doyi0527@yahoo.com.tw   11067   Cherishing the Feather 28x5.3x69 cm Wires CHIA-YING HUANG Starting from the aesthetics of traditional craftsmanship, the artist tried to build up an original artistic vocabulary through the combination of linearity, beads, gems, and the interpretationRead more


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